Title | Publishers | Co-authors |
Propagation of the Axially Symmetric Electromagnetic Waves in the Cylindrical Channel Surrounded With Plasma | Journal of technical physics. V.54. ¹3. 1984, 486-491 (in Russian) | S.M.Levitsky |
Electromagnetic Fields Reflection from the Layer of the Weakly Inhomogeneous Plasma | Bulletin of the Kyiv University. Series: Physics&Mathematics. Issue 1. Kyiv, 1998, 262-271 (in Ukrainian) | K.I.Lyubich |
Eigen and Quasi-Eigen Modes on the Border Between Vacuum and Anisotropic Plasma | Ukrainian Physical Journal. V.46. ¹5-6. 2001. 557-566 (in Ukrainian) | O.P.Vygovska, O.I.Kelnyk |
Propagation of the Ordinary Electromagnetic Wave in the Weakly Inhomogeneous Plasma | Proceedings of the First International Young Scientists Conference on Applied Physics. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Radiophysics. Kyiv, 2001. 19-20 | O.I.Kelnyk, A.V.Schur |
Title | Publishers | Co-authors |
Trasformation of the Space Charge Waves of the Electron Stream into Electromagnetic Waves on the Concentration Jump of Anisotropic Plasma | Radiotechnics and electronics. V.36. ¹1. 1991. 108-117 (in Russian) | D.G.Stefanovsky |
Transition Radiation of the Modulated Electron Beam Falling Obliquely on the Sharp Border of Plasma | Ukrainian Physics Journal. Ò.45. ¹ 2. 2000. 168-175 (in Ukrainian) | Yu.E.Kovalyov |
Transition Radiation of the Modulated Electron Stream on the Sharp Border of the Anisotropic Plasma | 24 International Conference on Phenomena in the Ionized Gazes. Proceedings, Contributed Papers. Vol.2. Warsaw. 1999. 117-118 | O.I.Kelnyk, O.P.Vygovska |
Transition Radiation of the Modulated Electron Beam in the Strongly Inhomogeneous Plasma | High Schools' Bulletin. Radiophysics. V.37. ¹2. 1994. 194-199 (in Russian) | A.A.Zubarev, I.Yu.Kotlyarov, S.M.Levitsky |
Excitation of the Surface Waves by the Modulated Electron Beam Falling Normally on the Plasma Border | Radiotechnics and Electronics. V.31. .¹ 3. 1986. 614-615 (in Russian) | S.M.Levitsky |
On the Transversal Length of the Formation Zone of the Moving Charge Transition Radiation. | Bulletin of Kiev University. Series: Physics&Mathematics sciences. Issue 1. Kyiv, 1997.357-365 (in Ukrainian) | O.A.Borisov |
Title | Publishers | Co-authors |
Electromagnetic Waves Radiation Due to the Plasma Resonance Region Excitation by the Modulated Electron Stream. | Radiotechnics and electronics. V.30. ¹ 9. 1985. 1862-1866 (in Russian) | S.M.Levitsky |
Transitianal Radiation of the Modulated Electron Beam in the Weakly Inhomogeneous Magnetized Plasma | VII Ukrainian conference on controlled fusion synthesis and plasma physics. Collected abstracts. Kyiv, 1999. 59 (in Ukrainian) | T.V.Tutashkonko |
HF Transition Radiation of the Modulated Electron Stream Moving Through the Three-Dimensional Inhomogeneity of the Isotropic Plasma | J.Tech. Phys. Vol.40. ¹1. 1999. 337-340 | |
HF Transition Radiation of the Modulated Electron Stream Moving Through the Three-Dimensional Inhomogeneity of the Anisotropic Plasma | Proceedings of the First International Young Scientists Conference on Applied Physics. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Radiophysics. Kyiv, 2001. 21-22 | A.V.Mishak |
Title | Publishers | Co-authors |
Electromagnetic Waves Radiation By The Modulated Electron Beam Falling on the Plasma Layer With Metal Background | Bulletin of Kyiv National University. Series: Physics&Mathematics sciences. Issue 4. 1991. 73-76 (in Ukrainian) | O.A.Zubarev |
On the Possibility to Increase the Transition Radiation of the Modulated Electron Stream in the Inhomogeneous Plasma. | High school's bulletin. Radiophysics. V.32. .¹8. 1989. 1034-1038 (in Russian) | I.Yu.Kotlyarov, S.M.Levitsky |
Optimization of the Current Transversal Distribution in the Problem of the Modulated Electron Beams Transition Radiation. | Bulletin of Kyiv National University. Series: Physics&Mathematics sciences. Issue 1. Kyiv, 1998. 227-236 (in Ukrainian) | |
Title | Publishers | Co-authors |
Electromagnetic Fields Excitation by the Modulated Electron Stream in the Weakly Inhomogeneous Isotropic Plasma | Ukrainian Physical Journal. V.33. ¹ 1. 1988. 38-40 (in Russian) | D.G.Stefanovsky |
Radioemission of the Modulated Electron Stream in Plasma with the Non-linear Concentration Profile. | Ukrainian Physical Journal. V.34. ¹ 9. 1989. 1336-1342 (in Russian) | S.M.Levitsky |
Electrical Field Excitation in the Non-Uniform Plasma by a Modulated Electron Beam | Physica Scripta. Vol.62. No5. 2000. 375-380 | O.A.Borisov |
Deformation of the Concentration Profile of the Weakly Inhomogeneous Plasma due to the Modulated Electron Beam | VII Ukrainian conference on controlled fusion synthesis and plasma physics. Collected abstracts. 61 (in Ukrainian) | O.A.Borisov |
Title | Publishers | Co-authors |
Electromagnetic Waves Radiation by the Axially Symmetric Modulated Electron Beam in the Inhomogeneous Plasma. | Radiotechnics and Electronics. V.32. ¹ 3. 1987. 601-605 (in Russian) | I.Yu.Kotlyarov |
Transition Radiation of the Modulated Cylindrical Electron Bunch in the Weakly Inhomogeneous Isotropic Plasma | Bulletin of Kyiv National University. Series: Physics&Mathematics sciences. Issue 4. 1991. 69-73 (in Ukrainian) | O.I.Kelnyk |
Transition Radiation of the Stripped Modulated Electron Beam That Falls Obliquely on the Plasma Border | J.Tech. Phys. Vol.40. ¹1. 1999. 341-344 | Yu.E.Kovalyov |
On the Possibility to Observe the Transition Radiation in the Active Beam-Plasma Experiments in the Upper Atmosphere and Space | Plasma Physics. V.20. ¹ 9. 1994. 126-132 (in Russian) | S.M.Levitsky |
Transition Radiation as a Feasible Mechanism of the Modulated Electron Beams' Radiation in the Active Experiments in the Ionosphere | Scientific proceedings of NaU KMA. Physics&Mathematics Sciences. 2000. V.18. 41-50 (in Ukrainian) | |
Title | Publishers | Co-authors |
Whistler Modes Transition Radiation Caused by the Modulated Electron Beam in the Periodically Inhomogeneous Plasma | Bulletin of Kyiv National University. Series: Physics&Mathematics sciences. Issue 3. Kyiv, 1998. 289-298 (in Ukrainian) | O.I.Kelnyk, Yu.V.Maruda |
On the Possibility to Observe&nnsp;the Whistlers' Transition Radiation in the Active Beam-Plasma Experiments in the Ionosphere | Bulletin of Kyiv National University. Series: Physics&Mathematics sciences. Issue 4. Kyiv, 1998. 238-242 (in Ukrainian) | O.I.Kelnyk |
Whistlers Transition Radiation by the Modulated Electron Stream in the Weakly Inhomogeneous Plasma | Proceedings of the First International Young Scientists Conference on Applied Physics. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Radiophysics. Kyiv, 2001, 17-18 | O.I.Kelnyk |
On the Transversal Length of the Formation Zone at the Magnetoactive Plasma | Bulletin of Kyiv National University. Series: Physics&Mathematics sciences. Issue 3. Kyiv, 2001. 5-9 (in Ukrainian) | O.I.Kelnyk |
Title | Publishers | Co-authors |
Transition Scattering of the Acoustic Wave into Electromagnetic Wave on the Modulated Electron Beam in Plasma | 2nd USSR scientific seminar «Acoustic Waves Interaction With Plasma». Abstracts. Erevan. 1991. 60-62 (in Russian) | S.M.Levitsky |
Modulated Electron Beam Radiation in the Sporadically Inhomogeneous Plasma | Geomagnetics and Aerial science. V.35. ¹ 6. 1995. 40-45 (in Russian) | |
Stripped Modulated Electron Beam Radiation in Plasma with Sporadic Two-Dimensional Inhomogeneities | Bulletin of Kyiv National University. Radiophysics and Electronics. Issue.2. Kyiv, 2000. 17-24 (in Ukrainian) | I.M.Voronov |
Radioemission of the Cylindrical Modulated Electron Beam in Plasma with Three-Dimensional Accidental Inhomogeneities | Kyiv Shevchenko University. 7th Open Young Scientists' Conference on Astronomy and Space Physics. Abstracts. Kyiv, 2000. 39 | I.M.Voronov |
Title | Publishers | Co-authors |
Plasma Object's Diagnostics Using Transition Radiation of the Modulated Electron Beam | Ukrainian Physical Journal. V.41. ¹9. 1996. 798-801 (in Ukrainian) | |
Plasma Objects Diagnostics Using Transition Radiation of the Charged Bunch | Ukrainian Physical Journal. V.42. ¹8. 1997. 959-966 (in Ukrainian) | K.I.Lyubich |
Plasma Objects Diagnostics via Transition Radiation of the Electron Bunch: Computer Simulations | Bulletin of Kyiv National University. Series: Physics&Mathematics Sciences. Issue 3. Kyiv, 1999. 295-299 (in Ukrainian) | I.A.Blazhko |
Plasma objects Diagnostics via Resonant Transition Radiation of the Electron Bunch | Proceedings of International Symposium "From solar corona through interplanetary space, into Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere: Interball, ISTP satellites, and ground-based observations". Kyiv, 2000. 65-68 | K.I.Lyubich |
Excitation of the Wake Waves by the Charged Bunch in the Inhomogeneous Plasma | Journal of Physics Studies. 2000. V.4. ¹2. 61-67 (in Ukrainian) | K.I.Lyubich |
On the Possibility to Diagnose Inhomegeneities of Ionosphere Plasma Using Transition Radiation of an Electron Bunch | First Ukrainian Conference on the long-term space research. Collection of thesis. K., 2001. 76 (in Russian) | I.M.Voronov, K.I.Lyubich |
Plasma-object diagnostics via resonant transitional radiation from an electron bunch | Journal of Plasma Physics. 2001. vol.66, part 3. 157-165 | I.O.Anisimov, K.I.Lyubich |
Title | Publishers | Co-authors |
Electromagnetic Waves Transport Through the Dense Plasma Layer Using Electron Stream. | Journal of Technical Physics. V.59. ¹ 7. 1989. 50-54 (in Russian) | S.M.Levitsky |
Induced Transition Radioemission due to the Collective Processes from the Inhomogeneous Non-equilibrium Space Plasma. | USSR seminar "Plasma electronics". Abstracts. Kharkov. 1988. 256-257 (in Russian) | S.M.Levitsky |
Signals Transport through the Plasma Wave Barriers Using Electron Beams: Modes Concurrence | Bulletin of Kyiv National University. Radiophysics and Electronics. Âèï.2. Ê., 2000. 10-16 (in Ukrainian) | S.V.Dovbakh, S.M.Levitsky, G.V.Lizunov, O.V.Podladchikova |
Noise Modulation of the Electron Beam in the Beam-Plasma System | Bulletin of Kyiv National University. Series: Physics&Mathematics Sciences. Issue 4. Kyiv, 1998. 285-288 (in Ukrainian) | |
About the Concentration Profile of the Plasma Barrier that Makes Possible the Electrons' Phase Focusing | Ukraine: people, society, nature. Abstracts of the 3rd Annual Conference of Kyiv-Mohila Academy. Kyiv. 1997, 1997. 180-182 (in Ukrainian) | |
Title | Publishers | Co-authors |
Experimental Detection of Plasma Barriers' Transillumination Using Electron Beams. | Journal of Technical Physics. 1991, v.61, ¹3, p.59 - 62 (in Russian) | S.M. Levitsky, A.V.Opanasenko, L.I.Romanyuk |
Investigations of Plasma barriers' transillumination for Electromagnetic Waves Using Electron Beams. 1. Existence of the Transillumination Effect. | Ukrainian Physics Journal. V.40. ¹3. 1995. 198-203 (in Ukrainian) | O.A.Zubarev, S.M.Levitsky, O.V.Opanasenko, D.B.Palets, L.I.Romanyuk |
Investigations of Plasma Barriers' Transillumination for Electromagnetic Waves Using Electron Beams. 2. Evolution of Space Charge Waves in the Barrier. | Ukrainian Physics Journal. V.41. ¹ 3. 1996. 164-170 (in Ukrainian) | I.Yu.Kotlyarov, S.M.Levitsky, O.V.Opanasenko, D.B.Palets, L.I.Romanyuk |
Influence of the Electron Beam Initial Modulation on its Evolution in Supercritical Plasma | Ukrainian Physical Journal. V.45. ¹11. 2000. 1318-1323 (in Ukrainian) | N.O.Boyko, S.V.Dovbakh, D.B.Palets, L.I.Romanyuk. |
Plasma Barriers' Transillumination for Electromagnetic Waves Using Electron Beams | Problems of Atomic Science and Technics. Series: Plasma electronics and new methods of accelerations(2), 2000. ¹1. 243-24 7(in Ukrainian) | S.M.Levitsky, D.B.Palets, L.I.Romanyuk. |
Title | Publishers | Co-authors |
Oscillations and Waves. Educational Manual for Students of the Radiophysical Faculty. | Editing&publishing center "Kyiv University". Kyiv, 1997. 60p. (in Ukrainian) | |
Module-rating System Application for General Courses Teaching on the Specialty "Applied Physics (Radiophysics and Electronics)" | Didactic problems of physical education in Ukraine. Materials of scientific-practical conference. Chernigiv, 1998. 6-8 (in Ukrainian) | I.V.Bairachenko, S.M.Levitsky, I.I.Slyusarenko |
To the History of Scientific Schools of Radiophysical Faculty, Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv | Kyiv University as the center of national intellectual wealth, science, and culture. Materials of theoretical scientific conference dedicated 165 anniversary of university. Nature sciences. 1999. 147-148 (in Ukrainian) | S.M.Levitsky |
Computer Programme for Students' Testing | Bulletin of Chernigiv State Pedagogical University. Issue 3. Series: pedagogical sciences. Chernigiv, 2000. 146-149 (in Ukrainian) | O.A.Borisov, S.M.Levitsky, A.V.Tkachuk |