The areas of research interests and the main publications

1. Propagation of the electromagnetic waves in the inhomogeneous plasma

2. Transition radiation of the elecrton bunches and modulated electron beams in the inhomogeneous plasma

  1. the sharp border of plasma
  2. the dispersed border of plasma
  3. beam-plasma systems' optimization for obtaining maximal radiation
  4. deformation of the plasma concentration profile due to the electrical field excited by the modulated electron beam
3. Transition radiation as a feasible mechanism of modulated electron beams' radioemission in the active beam-plasma experiments in the ionosphere
  1. high-frequency electromagnetic waves' excitation
  2. whistlers' excitation
  3. radiation from the sporadic inhomogeneities
4. Diagnostics of the inhomogeneous plasma objects via transition radiation

5. Supercritical plasma barriers' transillumination

  1. theoretical calculations
  2. comparison of calculations with experiments
6. Stochastic dynamics of simple systems

7. Principles of teaching of physics in the high school

8. Abstracts of dissertations

TOPPropagation of the electromagnetic waves in the inhomogeneous plasma

Propagation of the Axially Symmetric Electromagnetic Waves in the Cylindrical Channel Surrounded With PlasmaJournal of technical physics. V.54. ¹3. 1984, 486-491 (in Russian)S.M.Levitsky
Electromagnetic Fields Reflection from the Layer of the Weakly Inhomogeneous PlasmaBulletin of the Kyiv University. Series: Physics&Mathematics. Issue 1. Kyiv, 1998, 262-271 (in Ukrainian)K.I.Lyubich
Eigen and Quasi-Eigen Modes on the Border Between Vacuum and Anisotropic PlasmaUkrainian Physical Journal. V.46. ¹5-6. 2001. 557-566 (in Ukrainian)O.P.Vygovska, O.I.Kelnyk
Propagation of the Ordinary Electromagnetic Wave in the Weakly Inhomogeneous PlasmaProceedings of the First International Young Scientists Conference on Applied Physics. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Radiophysics. Kyiv, 2001. 19-20O.I.Kelnyk, A.V.Schur

TOPTransition radiation of the elecrton bunches and modulated electron beams in the inhomogeneous plasma

The sharp border of plasma

Trasformation of the Space Charge Waves of the Electron Stream into Electromagnetic Waves on the Concentration Jump of Anisotropic PlasmaRadiotechnics and electronics. V.36. ¹1. 1991. 108-117 (in Russian)D.G.Stefanovsky
Transition Radiation of the Modulated Electron Beam Falling Obliquely on the Sharp Border of PlasmaUkrainian Physics Journal. Ò.45. ¹ 2. 2000. 168-175 (in Ukrainian)Yu.E.Kovalyov
Transition Radiation of the Modulated Electron Stream on the Sharp Border of the Anisotropic Plasma24 International Conference on Phenomena in the Ionized Gazes. Proceedings, Contributed Papers. Vol.2. Warsaw. 1999. 117-118O.I.Kelnyk, O.P.Vygovska
Transition Radiation of the Modulated Electron Beam in the Strongly Inhomogeneous PlasmaHigh Schools' Bulletin. Radiophysics. V.37. ¹2. 1994. 194-199 (in Russian)A.A.Zubarev, I.Yu.Kotlyarov, S.M.Levitsky
Excitation of the Surface Waves by the Modulated Electron Beam Falling Normally on the Plasma BorderRadiotechnics and Electronics. V.31. .¹ 3. 1986. 614-615 (in Russian)S.M.Levitsky
On the Transversal Length of the Formation Zone of the Moving Charge Transition Radiation.Bulletin of Kiev University. Series: Physics&Mathematics sciences. Issue 1. Kyiv, 1997.357-365 (in Ukrainian)O.A.Borisov

The dispersed border of plasma

Electromagnetic Waves Radiation Due to the Plasma Resonance Region Excitation by the Modulated Electron Stream.Radiotechnics and electronics. V.30. ¹ 9. 1985. 1862-1866 (in Russian)S.M.Levitsky
Transitianal Radiation of the Modulated Electron Beam in the Weakly Inhomogeneous Magnetized PlasmaVII Ukrainian conference on controlled fusion synthesis and plasma physics. Collected abstracts. Kyiv, 1999. 59 (in Ukrainian)T.V.Tutashkonko
HF Transition Radiation of the Modulated Electron Stream Moving Through the Three-Dimensional Inhomogeneity of the Isotropic PlasmaJ.Tech. Phys. Vol.40. ¹1. 1999. 337-340 
HF Transition Radiation of the Modulated Electron Stream Moving Through the Three-Dimensional Inhomogeneity of the Anisotropic PlasmaProceedings of the First International Young Scientists Conference on Applied Physics. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Radiophysics. Kyiv, 2001. 21-22A.V.Mishak

Beam-plasma systems' optimization for obtaining maximal radiation

Electromagnetic Waves Radiation By The Modulated Electron Beam Falling on the Plasma Layer With Metal BackgroundBulletin of Kyiv National University. Series: Physics&Mathematics sciences. Issue 4. 1991. 73-76 (in Ukrainian)O.A.Zubarev
On the Possibility to Increase the Transition Radiation of the Modulated Electron Stream in the Inhomogeneous Plasma.High school's bulletin. Radiophysics. V.32. .¹8. 1989. 1034-1038 (in Russian)I.Yu.Kotlyarov, S.M.Levitsky
Optimization of the Current Transversal Distribution in the Problem of the Modulated Electron Beams Transition Radiation.Bulletin of Kyiv National University. Series: Physics&Mathematics sciences. Issue 1. Kyiv, 1998. 227-236 (in Ukrainian) 

Deformation of the plasma concentration profile due to the electrical field excited by the modulated electron beam

Electromagnetic Fields Excitation by the Modulated Electron Stream in the Weakly Inhomogeneous Isotropic PlasmaUkrainian Physical Journal. V.33. ¹ 1. 1988. 38-40 (in Russian)D.G.Stefanovsky
Radioemission of the Modulated Electron Stream in Plasma with the Non-linear Concentration Profile.Ukrainian Physical Journal. V.34. ¹ 9. 1989. 1336-1342 (in Russian)S.M.Levitsky
Electrical Field Excitation in the Non-Uniform Plasma by a Modulated Electron BeamPhysica Scripta. Vol.62. No5. 2000. 375-380O.A.Borisov
Deformation of the Concentration Profile of the Weakly Inhomogeneous Plasma due to the Modulated Electron BeamVII Ukrainian conference on controlled fusion synthesis and plasma physics. Collected abstracts. 61 (in Ukrainian)O.A.Borisov

TOPTransition radiation as a feasible mechanism of modulated electron beams' radioemission in the active beam-plasma experiments in the ionosphere

High-frequency electromagnetic waves' excitation

Electromagnetic Waves Radiation by the Axially Symmetric Modulated Electron Beam in the Inhomogeneous Plasma.Radiotechnics and Electronics. V.32. ¹ 3. 1987. 601-605 (in Russian)I.Yu.Kotlyarov
Transition Radiation of the Modulated Cylindrical Electron Bunch in the Weakly Inhomogeneous Isotropic PlasmaBulletin of Kyiv National University. Series: Physics&Mathematics sciences. Issue 4. 1991. 69-73 (in Ukrainian)O.I.Kelnyk
Transition Radiation of the Stripped Modulated Electron Beam That Falls Obliquely on the Plasma BorderJ.Tech. Phys. Vol.40. ¹1. 1999. 341-344Yu.E.Kovalyov
On the Possibility to Observe the Transition Radiation in the Active Beam-Plasma Experiments in the Upper Atmosphere and SpacePlasma Physics. V.20. ¹ 9. 1994. 126-132 (in Russian)S.M.Levitsky
Transition Radiation as a Feasible Mechanism of the Modulated Electron Beams' Radiation in the Active Experiments in the IonosphereScientific proceedings of NaU KMA. Physics&Mathematics Sciences. 2000. V.18. 41-50 (in Ukrainian) 

Whistlers' excitation

Whistler Modes Transition Radiation Caused by the Modulated Electron Beam in the Periodically Inhomogeneous PlasmaBulletin of Kyiv National University. Series: Physics&Mathematics sciences. Issue 3. Kyiv, 1998. 289-298 (in Ukrainian)O.I.Kelnyk, Yu.V.Maruda
On the Possibility to Observe&nnsp;the Whistlers' Transition Radiation in the Active Beam-Plasma Experiments in the IonosphereBulletin of Kyiv National University. Series: Physics&Mathematics sciences. Issue 4. Kyiv, 1998. 238-242 (in Ukrainian)O.I.Kelnyk
Whistlers Transition Radiation by the Modulated Electron Stream in the Weakly Inhomogeneous PlasmaProceedings of the First International Young Scientists Conference on Applied Physics. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Radiophysics. Kyiv, 2001, 17-18O.I.Kelnyk
On the Transversal Length of the Formation Zone at the Magnetoactive PlasmaBulletin of Kyiv National University. Series: Physics&Mathematics sciences. Issue 3. Kyiv, 2001. 5-9 (in Ukrainian)O.I.Kelnyk

Radiation from the sporadic heterogeneities

Transition Scattering of the Acoustic Wave into Electromagnetic Wave on the Modulated Electron Beam in Plasma2nd USSR scientific seminar «Acoustic Waves Interaction With Plasma». Abstracts. Erevan. 1991. 60-62 (in Russian)S.M.Levitsky
Modulated Electron Beam Radiation in the Sporadically Inhomogeneous PlasmaGeomagnetics and Aerial science. V.35. ¹ 6. 1995. 40-45 (in Russian) 
Stripped Modulated Electron Beam Radiation in Plasma with Sporadic Two-Dimensional InhomogeneitiesBulletin of Kyiv National University. Radiophysics and Electronics. Issue.2. Kyiv, 2000. 17-24 (in Ukrainian)I.M.Voronov
Radioemission of the Cylindrical Modulated Electron Beam in Plasma with Three-Dimensional Accidental InhomogeneitiesKyiv Shevchenko University. 7th Open Young Scientists' Conference on Astronomy and Space Physics. Abstracts. Kyiv, 2000. 39I.M.Voronov

TOPDiagnostics of the inhomogeneous plasma objects via transition radiation

Plasma Object's Diagnostics Using Transition Radiation of the Modulated Electron BeamUkrainian Physical Journal. V.41. ¹9. 1996. 798-801 (in Ukrainian) 
Plasma Objects Diagnostics Using Transition Radiation of the Charged BunchUkrainian Physical Journal. V.42. ¹8. 1997. 959-966 (in Ukrainian)K.I.Lyubich
Plasma Objects Diagnostics via Transition Radiation of the Electron Bunch: Computer SimulationsBulletin of Kyiv National University. Series: Physics&Mathematics Sciences. Issue 3. Kyiv, 1999. 295-299 (in Ukrainian)I.A.Blazhko
Plasma objects Diagnostics via Resonant Transition Radiation of the Electron BunchProceedings of International Symposium "From solar corona through interplanetary space, into Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere: Interball, ISTP satellites, and ground-based observations". Kyiv, 2000. 65-68K.I.Lyubich
Excitation of the Wake Waves by the Charged Bunch in the Inhomogeneous PlasmaJournal of Physics Studies. 2000. V.4. ¹2. 61-67 (in Ukrainian)K.I.Lyubich
On the Possibility to Diagnose Inhomegeneities of Ionosphere Plasma Using Transition Radiation of an Electron BunchFirst Ukrainian Conference on the long-term space research. Collection of thesis. K., 2001. 76 (in Russian)I.M.Voronov, K.I.Lyubich
Plasma-object diagnostics via resonant transitional radiation from an electron bunchJournal of Plasma Physics. 2001. vol.66, part 3. 157-165I.O.Anisimov, K.I.Lyubich

TOPSupercritical plasma barriers' transillumination

Theoretical calculations

Electromagnetic Waves Transport Through the Dense Plasma Layer Using Electron Stream. Journal of Technical Physics. V.59. ¹ 7. 1989. 50-54 (in Russian)S.M.Levitsky
Induced Transition Radioemission due to the Collective Processes from the Inhomogeneous Non-equilibrium Space Plasma.USSR seminar "Plasma electronics". Abstracts. Kharkov. 1988. 256-257 (in Russian)S.M.Levitsky
Signals Transport through the Plasma Wave Barriers Using Electron Beams: Modes ConcurrenceBulletin of Kyiv National University. Radiophysics and Electronics. Âèï.2. Ê., 2000. 10-16 (in Ukrainian)S.V.Dovbakh, S.M.Levitsky, G.V.Lizunov, O.V.Podladchikova
Noise Modulation of the Electron Beam in the Beam-Plasma SystemBulletin of Kyiv National University. Series: Physics&Mathematics Sciences. Issue 4. Kyiv, 1998. 285-288 (in Ukrainian) 
About the Concentration Profile of the Plasma Barrier that Makes Possible the Electrons' Phase FocusingUkraine: people, society, nature. Abstracts of the 3rd Annual Conference of Kyiv-Mohila Academy. Kyiv. 1997, 1997. 180-182 (in Ukrainian) 

Comparison of calculations with experiments

Experimental Detection of Plasma Barriers' Transillumination Using Electron Beams.Journal of Technical Physics. 1991, v.61, ¹3, p.59 - 62 (in Russian)S.M. Levitsky, A.V.Opanasenko, L.I.Romanyuk
Investigations of Plasma barriers' transillumination for Electromagnetic Waves Using Electron Beams. 1. Existence of the Transillumination Effect.Ukrainian Physics Journal. V.40. ¹3. 1995. 198-203 (in Ukrainian)O.A.Zubarev, S.M.Levitsky, O.V.Opanasenko, D.B.Palets, L.I.Romanyuk
Investigations of Plasma Barriers' Transillumination for Electromagnetic Waves Using Electron Beams. 2. Evolution of Space Charge Waves in the Barrier.Ukrainian Physics Journal. V.41. ¹ 3. 1996. 164-170 (in Ukrainian)I.Yu.Kotlyarov, S.M.Levitsky, O.V.Opanasenko, D.B.Palets, L.I.Romanyuk
Influence of the Electron Beam Initial Modulation on its Evolution in Supercritical PlasmaUkrainian Physical Journal. V.45. ¹11. 2000. 1318-1323 (in Ukrainian)N.O.Boyko, S.V.Dovbakh, D.B.Palets, L.I.Romanyuk.
Plasma Barriers' Transillumination for Electromagnetic Waves Using Electron BeamsProblems of Atomic Science and Technics. Series: Plasma electronics and new methods of accelerations(2), 2000. ¹1. 243-24 7(in Ukrainian)S.M.Levitsky, D.B.Palets, L.I.Romanyuk.

TOPStochastic dynamics of simple systems

Modified Theory for Kiyashko-Pikovsky-Rabinovich Noise GeneratorBulletin of Kyiv National University. Series: Physics&Mathematics Sciences. Issue 2. Kyiv, 2000. 367-374 (in Ukrainian)A.M.Didovik, T.V.Siversky
Bifurcations in the Kijashko - Pikovsky - Rabinovich Noise GeneratorDynamical systems modelling and stability investigation. Thesis of conference reports. Kyiv, 2001. 110T.V.Siversky

TOPPrinciples of teaching of physics in the high school

Oscillations and Waves. Educational Manual for Students of the Radiophysical Faculty.Editing&publishing center "Kyiv University". Kyiv, 1997. 60p. (in Ukrainian) 
Module-rating System Application for General Courses Teaching on the Specialty "Applied Physics (Radiophysics and Electronics)"Didactic problems of physical education in Ukraine. Materials of scientific-practical conference. Chernigiv, 1998. 6-8 (in Ukrainian)I.V.Bairachenko, S.M.Levitsky, I.I.Slyusarenko
To the History of Scientific Schools of Radiophysical Faculty, Taras Shevchenko University of KyivKyiv University as the center of national intellectual wealth, science, and culture. Materials of theoretical scientific conference dedicated 165 anniversary of university. Nature sciences. 1999. 147-148 (in Ukrainian)S.M.Levitsky
Computer Programme for Students' TestingBulletin of Chernigiv State Pedagogical University. Issue 3. Series: pedagogical sciences. Chernigiv, 2000. 146-149 (in Ukrainian)O.A.Borisov, S.M.Levitsky, A.V.Tkachuk

TOPAbstracts of dissertations

Radiation of the Elecrtomagnetic Waves due to the Interaction of the Modulated Electronic Beams with the Inhomogeneous PlasmaAuthor's abstract of dissertation for competition on Ph.D. title (physics&mathematics). K. Academical publishing house KNU. 1987. 17p. (in Russian)
Linear Conversion of Electron Beam Modes and Electromagnetic Waves in Inhomogeneous Beam-Plasma SystemsAuthor's abstract of dissertation for competition on Doctor of Science title. K. Poligraphic center of Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv. 2000. 27p. (in Ukrainian)


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