The courses of lectures


& Waves

Oscillations72 hours of students learning time.
Radiophysics Faculty, Taras Shevchenko University, 3rd year of study (BSc).
Effects of oscillations and waves in the different branches of physics, chemistry, biology and ecology are studied from the common point of view. Oscillations and waves in linear, parametric, nonlinear and self-excited systems are reviewed. Special attention is paid to the problem of dynamic chaos.
Similar courses are lectured for the students of Department of Astronomy, Physical Faculty, Taras Shevchenko University, and for the students of Department for Phys&Math Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Kyiv-Mohila Academy.



Noise in semiconductor

Spectrum72 hours of students learning time. Department of Semiconductor Electronics, Radiophysics Faculty, Taras Shevchenko University, 4th year of study (BSc).
Statistical effects in radiophysics and electronics are observed. Accidental signals' passage through linear, parametric, nonlinear and self-excited systems are reviewed. Special attention is paid to the study of noise in eletronic devices.


Nonlinear Waves, Structures & Chaos

Attractor36 hours of students learning time. Department of Semiconductor Electronics, Radiophysics Faculty, Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, 5th year of study (MSc).
Nonlinear waves and structures in non-equilibrium media are observed. Methods of the thoretical consideration of chaos and turbulence are reviewed. The studied effects can be applied to physics, chemistry, biology and ecology.
Similar courses are lectured for the students of Department for Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Kyiv-Mohila Academy.


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